- State Juvenile
- North Carolina
- 919-560-0840
- Featured
NCDPS – Durham County Youth Home basic information to help guide you through what you can do for your inmate while they are incarcerated. The facility's direct contact number: 919-560-0840
This facility is for juvenile residents.
NCDPS – Durham County Youth Home – Inmate Rule
– Durham County Youth Home – Offender Family Services
Juvenile detention centers are secure, temporary facilities where a juvenile will stay while waiting to go to court or until a placement can be arranged. Juveniles are placed in detention by court order pending hearing, disposition or placement. Prior to adjudication, statute requires that the court review the need for continued secure custody so juveniles have frequent court appearances where alternatives to detention are considered. Youths are typically housed in a detention center closest to their home county. The centers receive admissions through assigned regions or catchment areas.
Juveniles transferred to Superior Court for trial as adults are housed in juvenile detention pending trial if they are not released on bond. Juvenile detention centers provide quality services and programs for juveniles based on their individual needs, to give youths opportunities for positive behavioral change and development. Juvenile detention centers provide a safe, secure, controlled and humane environment for juveniles and staff. All detention centers are co-ed and are staffed to provide appropriate oversight by same-sex staff members.
Upon admission to a juvenile detention center, each youth receives a mental health screening. More comprehensive mental health and substance abuse assessments are completed when screening indicates a need. A medical screening is conducted, with urgent or emergent follow-up medical services. These screenings assist the Division in more appropriately serving the youth in its care.
During a short-term stay at one of the Division’s detention centers, youths are provided with basic educational services that mirror the course of study adopted by the N.C. Department of Public Instruction. Treatment programming and services offered at each detention center varies according to the needs of the youth.
visitation Info
Visitation for state juvenile facilities is limited to immediate family only. Mother, father, sisters, and brothers are acceptable. The visitation rules are very strict, we suggest reaching out to the staff to get their specific limitations.