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Nash County Detention Facility basic information to help guide you through what you can do for your inmate while they are incarcerated. The facility's direct contact number: 252-459-1536
This facility is for adult inmates.
The Nash County Detention Facility is a medium-security detention center located at 222 W Washington St Nashville, NC which is operated locally by the Nash County Sheriff's Office and holds inmates awaiting trial or sentencing or both. Most of the sentenced inmates are here for less than two years. Nash County accepts inmates from surrounding towns, municipalities, the US Marshal's Service and the Nashville Police Department who do not have their own long-term lock-up.
The Nash County Detention Facility is located behind the Courthouse on West Washington Street in Nashville. It has the capacity to house up to 259 male inmates and 36 female inmates. The last addition to the Detention Center was in 1999, which added a total of 156 inmates to the capacity of 139 inmates at that time.
Inmate Regulations
The Nash County Detention Facility follows many county, state, and federal guidelines and regulations for the purpose of maintaining order and control as well as provide safety and security for the inmates and the citizens of Nash County.
The Detention Facility must maintain order and control when dealing with criminals. Inmates have some privileges and opportunities which include:
The commissary store is where inmates can purchase items. Inmates receive money from their families and friends to spend in the commissary. The commissary is available through contract with Keefe Commissary Company.
Book Policy
Inmates may have up to three books or magazines at a time. They must be sent directly from the publisher or distributor and will be examined by staff to ensure safety and security.
Personal Items
All personal items must be purchased from the Commissary. No personal items will be accepted from the public.
Inmate Funds
Money will be accepted in the front lobby for inmate accounts seven days a week. It can be deposited into the kiosk in the front lobby of the Detention Center. It can also be deposited online by using a credit card.
visitation Info
Nash County Detention Center – Visitation
Male inmates with last names beginning with A through K have visitation on Saturday between the hours of 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Male inmates with last names beginning with L through Z have visitation on Sunday between the hours of 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.
All female inmates have visitation on Sunday between the hours of 4 p.m. and 5 p.m.