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KY DOC – Luther Luckett Correctional Complex (LLCC) basic information to help guide you through what you can do for your inmate while they are incarcerated. The facility's direct contact number: 502-222-0363
This facility is for adult inmates.
The inmates housed at Luckett Correctional located at Dawkins Rd Box 6 in LaGrange, KY are placed according to their custody level (determined by a number of factors including the past criminal history and the length of their sentence). There are ample educational and vocational training programs for all inmates, especially ones that show a willingness to learn new things that will prepare them for a better life when they are released. The mission is to promote and prepare the offender to leave in better shape than when they arrived, giving them the best chance to never come back and thus lower the state's recidivism rate.
LLCC is a medium-minimum security state prison with a current capacity of 1073 adult male inmates. The facility is unique in that it actually houses two separate institutions. The Kentucky Correctional Psychiatric Center operated by the Health and Family Services Cabinet. The two facilities share a number of resources and operate under a written shared services agreement.
The physical plant consists of five living units, a 44-bed special management unit, a 16-bed minimum-security unit, numerous support buildings including academic and vocational schools and indoor recreation areas. The living units are broken down into three different categories: general population, meritorious housing and one dormitory being utilized as a therapeutic community typesetting for inmates enrolled in the Substance Abuse Program. Perimeter security consists of 14-foot high fencing with electronic sensors topped by razor wire, monitored by four fixed security tower positions supplemented by a mobile perimeter patrol.
Inmate Programs
Educational Programs – All educational programs are open to all qualified inmates; the Education Department provides:
Vocational Education – Classes leading to diplomas and certificates in trades such as Carpentry, Electricity, Masonry and Auto Technology. A GED, minimum reading and math levels are required.
Academic Classes – Individualized study programs ranging from basic reading through GED is offered in three (3) hour sessions (morning, afternoon, and night). Studies are at each student’s pace and are open entry, open exit.
Life Skills Program – Offered to all interested inmates. Some are specific sign up courses, and some life skills are provided as part of vocation and academic programs. Programs offered include, Introduction to Computers, Stress Management, Anger Management, Parenting, Family Life and Finances.
Jefferson Community College – Jefferson Community College (JCC) offers a two (2) year Associate of Arts Degree. Correspondence college courses are approved on an individual basis through the Education Administrator and the Deputy Warden of Operations.
Pathfinder Program – This is a pre-release program that lasts approximately 15 weeks in duration. Areas addressed in the program are team building, communication, stress management, anger management, problem-solving, values, time management and life planning.
Mental Health Services – Modified Therapeutic Community (Substance Abuse Program) – The Division of Mental Health Substance Abuse Program is based on a form of a treatment know as a modified therapeutic community (TC). The concept for this type of program comes from research that shows that a group living together, moving towards a common goal, and isolated as much as possible from negative influences, can achieve more than other types of programs aimed at modifying behavior. All staff associated with the program are trained in how their behavior can help participants achieve their stated goals of moving toward permanent sobriety and recovery. Additionally, all inmates will learn how to appropriately interact within an interpersonal context so that they will no longer alienate those who may provide valuable assistance in reintegrating into society. The overall atmosphere that exits within the program is one in which all staff and participants seek to notice and encourage positive change (catching someone doing something right) instead of only noticing negative behavior. Additionally, it has been shown that encouragement and support of peers is just as valuable as feedback from staff in promoting proper attitudes and behavior change.
This type of program differs from most residentially based corrections programs in that it requires participants to adopt a “brother's keeper” focus and attitude. This means that instead of someone minding their own business while being aware of another’s rule violations and doing nothing that the person will actively bring to the wrongdoers attention the infraction being committed. Therefore, the rule violator will have a new awareness of their behavior and have a chance to correct things before more serious consequences could be generated. Additionally, inmates are taught that one individual’s behavior will have consequences for the whole community since others in the community generally have an awareness of what is going on around them and they have a responsibility to stop behavior that can threaten the safety and integrity of the whole community.
This type of program differs in that most of the “treatment” occurs in groups and meetings instead of classes. Passive learning in a classroom has it’s place but more effective growth occurs through active and participation in the program.
This type of program is only successful for those individuals willing to admit that their old way of thinking and behaving will only continue to bring them to prison or lead to death. Extremely criminally minded individuals will not be able to tolerate the expectations of this type of program. The staff actively screen for evidence of this type of attitude and the correlated resistance to change and remove these elements from the program so that those participants who are serious about the program have a safe place to work on the recovery that will keep them sober and free.
The TC program primarily takes Parole Board referrals or those individuals the Board has asked for an evaluation on. Discretionary approval for non-Parole Board referrals rests solely on the Program Director. Applications are filled out by the inmate’s CTO and forwarded directly to the TC program. There are questionnaires for the inmates to fill out that must accompany the application in order for the application to be considered.
The active phases of treatment last approximately six months. There is a pre-orientation phase of treatment where an assessment of the inmate occurs in making sure they are appropriate additions to the treatment community. The inmate will have to participate in community functions and complete certain tasks prior to being approved for active treatment. Therefore, total time in treatment may be seven (7) to eight (8) months or more.
Inmates who see the Parole Board before graduation do not sign any waivers. However, the responsibility for graduating rests with the individual inmate. Parole is NOT GUARANTEED, but the program does have a consistently high parole rate.
Graduates from the TC program will participate in six months to one year of community level aftercare. The Parole Board mandates this participation and the individual risks revocation for not complying with aftercare. Aftercare typically consists of outpatient or intensive outpatient programming plus mandatory AA/NA meetings. This compliance is monitored by an aftercare coordinator who is a separate person from the parole officer.
Sex Offender Treatment Program (SOTP) – SOTP, as established by KRS 197.400-197.440 in July of 1986 provides sexual offenders, who are amenable to treatment, with resources to prevent further sexual offenses. Luther Luckett Correctional Complex (LLCC) is one of four institutions in Kentucky that offers SOTP. Law limits the program at LLCC to capacity of no more than 150 participants at any given time. Treatment is done in group sessions of no more than 8 to 12 clients per group, meeting for 1 1/2 hours each week. Each participant is expected to attend and participate in every session. This includes speaking actively as a member of the group, accepting full responsibility for sexually abusive behavior, keeping the confidentiality of all group members and completing all assignments.
If an inmate wants to apply to SOTP, he needs to:
Have his CTO send a referral for him, even those individuals who have been seen for the screening interviews held at the Roederer Correctional Complex Assessment Center.
Be within three years of eligibility to meet with the Parole Board. If his parole hearing date has been passed while he is in treatment, the board is notified when he has completed treatment and he will be seen at the next available date that the board meets.
Whenever it becomes necessary for SOTP to maintain a waiting list, the applicants are taken into the program by order of which their referrals are received.
Counseling – There are several types of counseling available to the inmate population. Unit Staff will assist in day-to-day guidance and counseling and refer inmates to other programs as appropriate.
The Mental Health Division provides a specialized Sex Offender Treatment Program and a Substance Abuse Program. It should be noted that, according to statute, sex offenders convicted of crimes committed on or after July 15, 1986 are required to successfully complete a Sex Offender Program in order to be released by parole (KRS 439.340).
Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic is available for inmates on a referral basis. Inmates released from inpatient status are encouraged to maintain contact through the outpatient clinic and advise them of any problems with medication.
The Luther Luckett Correctional Complex Psychology Department is staffed by one Licensed Psychologist and one Licensed Psychology Associate. The General Services Department provides mental health services for the 1100 bed medium security correctional facility. Responsibilities include supervising certified psychologists and practicum students, program development and optimization, staff training, intake screening interviews of new arrivals, psychiatric referrals, evaluation for referrals to mental health units, evaluation for referrals to specialized treatment planning. Patient population includes a broad range of Axis I and Axis II diagnoses. Presenting problems include anxiety, depression, suicidality, anger management, HIV+ diagnosis, chronic pain, sleep disorders, sex offenses, family of origin issues, relationship issues, early childhood abuse, and substance abuse.
visitation Info
KY DOC – Luther Luckett Correctional Complex – Visitation
Welcome to the Luther Luckett Correctional Complex. We hope your visit to our facility will be a positive experience for you and your loved one.
The goal of the Luther Luckett Correctional Complex is to provide you with the opportunity to visit with your loved ones in a safe and clean environment.
The staff assigned to this facility is here to assist you. They will provide you with instructions and process you through the institution according to the visiting procedures contained in this booklet.
As a visitor, we expect you to become familiar with the visiting rules and regulations of this institution. The rules and regulations are outlined in the available pamphlet and will periodically be explained to you by staff. We expect you to follow the rules and regulations of this institution and to cooperate with staff at all times.
Any violation of the visiting rules and regulations may result in the termination, suspension, or loss of your visiting privileges.
In accordance with Kentucky Revised Statute 520.010 the introduction of dangerous contraband into a Correctional Institution is a felony offense. Anyone who knowingly introduces dangerous contraband into the Luther Luckett Correctional Complex will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
It is unfortunate that some visitors attempt to bring dangerous contraband that could be harmful to you, your loved one or the staff. The staff are trained and instructed to detect this. We are asking for your cooperation to prevent the introduction of dangerous contraband. Please follow the officer’s instructions. Please be aware that pursuant to KRS 520.010; KRS 520.050; and KRS 520.060, anyone entering the grounds of a correctional institution may be subject to a personal search or a search of their vehicle. Anyone found in possession of contraband will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
We hope you enjoy your visit. We look forward to providing you with the opportunity to spend time with your loved ones at the Luther Luckett Correctional Complex.
The entire staff of LLCC welcomes and encourages your visits.
Visiting Guidelines and Rules
Luther Luckett Correctional Complex is a tobacco free facility. This includes smokeless tobacco, lighters, matches, and e-cigarettes.
Visiting hours for general population inmates are on Saturdays, Sundays, and State Holidays from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Visitors may begin sign in at 8:00 a.m. Inmates housed in the meritorious living units will be permitted to visit on Saturday and Sunday, or if they only visit on one of the days, it will be the day they chose, regardless of the even-odd rotation. Nothing shall be carried from the visiting room at the conclusion of the visit.
Inmates who are housed in the Restrictive Housing Unit and/or have had their visiting privileges restricted for other reasons are permitted non contact visits only. Visitations to inmates with non contact visiting are by appointment only. The visit must be scheduled one week in advance. It is the inmate's responsibility to schedule these visits.
The inmate may place verified immediate family members and up to three (3) non-family members on his visiting list. All visitors shall be approved in advance before they may be added to the visiting list. You must be on the approved list to visit.
NOTE: Visiting is conducted on a odd number, even number rotating basis as determined by the inmate’s last number. Each inmate is responsible for notifying his visitors of days when he is permitted visits.
No alcoholic beverages, drugs, or weapons shall be permitted on institutional property. Prescription medication is permitted if it is in the original prescription container and can be left in the visitor’s vehicle while visiting. A visitor found in possession of contraband as listed above shall be subject to felony prosecution and may be banned from future visits. From time to time, searches of vehicles and individuals are conducted.
Visitors age 18 and over shall present a picture I.D. in order to enter the institution. Visiting rules are posted in the Visiting Room. The officer will obtain a picture I.D. from the visitor. Visitors without a picture I.D. can purchase one from their home county courthouse at a minimal fee.
The institution has a regularly scheduled noon count. During this time all inmate movement must stop so that we can account for all inmates assigned to this institution. Please cooperate and bear with us during this time and we will complete the count as soon as possible.
The outside visiting lawn will be open for seating when the weather permits. Privilege reserved for honor inmates only. Orange ID inmates will also be allowed outside visiting where available. If honor inmates request outside visitation, then orange ID inmates will have to move.
The following articles shall be allowed in the visiting area:
Limit of in $40.00 in ones or five dollar bills. The bill changer does not accept $10.00, and $20.00 bills. Inmates are not allowed to handle money.
Essential infant needs (up to 3 diapers, 1 clear, small, ziplock bag with baby wipes and 3 plastic bottles).
Coin purse (clear plastic only).
Prescription eye glasses or sunglasses.
Medication (reviewed on case-by-case basis)
The visitor shall wait in the waiting area until the inmate they wish to visit is called and has arrived in the visiting room. Unless prior approval has been granted, there is a maximum of three (3) adult visitors over the age of 18 allowed per visit, with infants and youths not counted in total. If a visitor violates institutional rules, he or she may be asked to leave the grounds, and in extreme cases restricted from future visits. Visitors shall be control of youths and infants at all times.
LLCC shall be committed to a positive visiting program and shall attempt to allow the maximum of two (2) hour visits to ensure sound operational security practices. The two (2) hour visit shall depend upon space available. If the visiting area reaches capacity and other visitors are waiting for available space to visit other inmates, visits shall be terminated on a first-in, first-out basis. This will ensure all inmates have an opportunity to visit.
A visitor who has traveled more than 150 miles may be given an exemption from the 2 hour limit prior to visit termination. A request for an extended visit shall be scheduled by the inmate through his CTO. It must be approved by the Deputy Warden of Security seven (7) days prior to the visit.
Visitors at a two (2) person table may be skipped if a four (4) person table is needed.
Visitors Dress Policy
- No low cut or provocative clothing (tank tops, halter tops, see-through clothing, sleeveless garments, Spandex, etc.)
- No clothing that fails to completely cover the midriff and bosom.
- Shorts or skirts shall be no higher than 2 inches above the knee cap.
- Jeggings and/or leggings are not permitted.
- Undergarment must be worn.
- No head apparel unless it is religious in nature.
- No clothing with inflammatory emblems, graphics, slogans, no rips or holes.
- No open toe shoes, sandals, or flip flops.
- Each visitor may wear only one (1) wedding ring and one (1) necklace with or without medallion. This is the only jewelry allowed in the visiting area.
- Minors twelve (12) and older shall comply with the above dress code; younger children should be dressed sensibly and according to the needs of their age.
- Please remember that the Visitation Supervisor will make the final determination regarding dress code.
For security purposes, jackets and coats shall not be permitted in the visiting area. These garments can be stored in the following ways: visitors may leave them in their vehicles, or hang them on wall pegs in the mall area.