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KY DOC – Green River Correctional Complex (GRCC) basic information to help guide you through what you can do for your inmate while they are incarcerated. The facility's direct contact number: 270-754-5415
This facility is for adult inmates.
The inmates housed at Green River Correctional located at 1200 River Rd in Central City, KY are placed according to their custody level (determined by a number of factors including the past criminal history and the length of their sentence). There are ample educational and vocational training programs for all inmates, especially ones that show a willingness to learn new things that will prepare them for a better life when they are released. The mission is to promote and prepare the offender to leave in better shape than when they arrived, giving them the best chance to never come back and thus lower the state's recidivism rate.
Green River Correctional Complex is a 982-bed medium/minimum security adult male correctional facility operated by the Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, Department of Corrections. The facility design is a direct supervision model, consisting of 3 medium security general population housing units with 444 double-bunked cells, a maximum-security segregation unit with 44 single-bunked cells, and a 50-bed open dorm-style minimum security unit.
Inmate Programs
In addition to Adult Basic Education, College Programs, and Technical School Programs, efforts to accomplish the task of rehabilitation consist of approximately 20 other inmate programs including:
Alcoholics Anonymous & Narcotics Anonymous – AA and NA are worldwide fellowships of men and women for whom drugs and alcohol have become a major problem. They are programs of recovery for anyone who has the desire to stop drinking or using drugs. Both programs are spiritual in nature and based on twelve steps and twelve traditions. By following the program of recovery offered in AA and NA, members have found a new way of life and become responsible, productive members of society.
Anger Management – Based on the book titled Houses of Healing: A Prisoner’s Guide to Inner Power and Freedom. This class lasts about 12 weeks and covers the following topics: Doing Time, Who Are You Anyway, Anger and Resentment, Grief, Forgiveness, Re-framing One’s Thoughts, Relaxation, Awareness and Meditation, Facing Guilt and the Impact of Crime, and Self-Forgiveness.
Victim Awareness – This is a 6-week program that helps the perpetrator realize the hurt and pain that the victims suffered and continue to suffer.
Family Reunification – A 6-week program. It consists of videos and homework that helps the inmate that is leaving prison, make a smooth transition to family life.
Life Skills – This is a 32-hour course that explores the basic skills needed to live in our society. The main topics studied are budgeting, family planning and parenting, banking, taxes and personal record-keeping, investing and credit, transportation, job hunting and resume skills, techniques for keeping a job and effective communication.
Life Without a Crutch – This is a drug education program based on the book Life Without a Crutch. It is ten weeks in length and explores topics such as Addiction and it’s Effects, Natural Needs – Unnatural Solutions, Why is it Hard to Change, Why Bother, The Road to Recovery, Finding the Right Help, For the Family and Loved Ones, and Taking Action. It is recommended to be taught in a small therapy typesetting.
Pathfinders – Pathfinders is a 15-week intensive pre-release class that meets three hours per day five days per week. This is a cognitive therapy, educational program. Participants learn Team Building Skills, Resume Writing, Self Esteem, Drug and Alcohol Addiction/Education, Anger Management, Communication, Problem Solving, Time Management, Motivation, Values, and Life Planning.
Practical Parenting – This is a 48-hour class that deals with all aspects of parenting that focus on the importance of the fathers in their children’s lives. Guest speakers are brought in from the community and a combination of films; class discussion and lectures make this an effective class. There is also a cooperative effort with the Muhlenberg County Adult Education Center, which provides family-oriented educational toys for visits. They also provide tape recorders, tapes and books for children ranging from birth to 18 years of age that the inmate records himself reading and mails it to his children, which helps facilitate attachments.
Prison to the Streets – This is an extensive 40-hour transition/re-entry program that provides education and community resources that hopefully enable the inmates to exit prison gates and begin new lives with confidence, support, and community connectivity as possible.
Success After Prison – This is a ten-hour pre-release course that covers expectations, positive outcomes from serving time, responsibility, and tips for staying out. Inmates participating in this class write essays on various related topics after each class.
visitation Info
KY DOC – Green River Correctional Complex – Visitation
General Population inmate visits are allowed on Saturday and Sunday from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30p.m. A visit could be ended prior to 2:00 due to visitation area capacity; however, length of traveled distance of the visitor shall be a consideration. Visitors are allowed entry for a visit from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Anyone wishing to visit must be on the inmate’s preapproved visitation list. A maximum of three adult visitors and their minor children are permitted per visit. An inmate can receive one visit per day.
Minimum unit and Meritorious Inmates are allowed during regular General Population weekend visits and on each Friday from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Visitor registration is 5:00 p.m. to 5:25 p.m. If the number of visitors exceeds the seating capacity of the visitation area, visitors will be divided into two groups based on time on arrival and each group will be allowed to visit for one and one half hours. Visitors must be on the inmate’s preapproved visitation list and a maximum of three adult visitors and their minor children are permitted per visit. An inmate can receive one visit.
Non-Contact visits are permitted by prior written appointment only, scheduled at least seven days in advance of the visit. Non-contact visits are normally scheduled on a weekend and the visits may last up to two hours. Visitors must be on the inmate’s preapproved list and a maximum of two adult visitors and their minor children are permitted. An inmate can receive one non-contact visit per calendar week.
Special visits, such as attorney or clergy outside of the regular visiting days, may be requested through the Deputy Warden. No items may be exchanged or delivered during these visits unless prior approval by the Deputy Warden has been given.
Visitors are not allowed to possess alcohol, drugs, weapons and escape materials while on institutional property. This includes inside a visitor’s vehicle and upon their person. Any attempt to promote contraband before, during or after a visit, will result in suspended visitation, confiscation of unauthorized items and prosecution.
Smoking or use of tobacco products is strictly prohibited on institutional grounds. All items related to smoking or tobacco use shall be left in the visitor’s locked personal vehicle. Introduction of tobacco items into the institution is considered promoting contraband.
Persons under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or immediate family member with notarized written parental or guardian approval.
A visitor shall be dressed in a manner that is not lewd, sexually suggestive, inflammatory, or gang related. See through clothing, sleeveless shirts or dresses, tank tops, cut-off shorts, halter tops, leggings, spandex pants, wrap around skirts/dresses, and stirrup pants are not permitted. Clothing shall cover the midriff and bosom or chest. Female visitors shall wear a bra and underwear. Male visitors shall wear underwear. A visitor is not permitted to wear jewelry except a wedding ring and a watch. Shoes shall be closed toe and heel, i.e., no flip flops or sandals. Pants and shorts shall be mid-thigh in length or longer. Skirts and dresses shall not be shorter than two inches above the knee and cannot have a split higher than two inches above the knee. Coats, jackets, sweaters and hats are permissible, but will be inaccessible during the visit.
Visitors enter at the Entry Station and park in the designated areas. A visitor shall then report directly to the Security Reception Area (Building B) for registration. No persons or animals are allowed to wait in a vehicle, while someone else visits.
Visitors and any items they possess will be searched/inspected. A visitor will be required to empty all pockets and remove their shoes. Visitors will be subjected to search by metal detector, x-ray machine, and/or frisk search conducted by an officer. Visitor vehicles are also subject to search.
An adult visitor may bring a maximum of $40.00 in one dollar bills or change for the purchase of food and soft drinks during the visit. A visitor shall only bring one set of vehicle keys into the visit. A visitor with an infant is permitted to bring three diapers, 2 clear plastic bottles, powered formula in a clear container, one pacifier, one blanket, two plastic jars/bottles of baby food, one plastic spoon and a reasonable amount of baby wipes in a clear bag into the visit.
Visits are held at an assigned seating location. Outside visitation is available on a first come first serve basis upon approval of the visitation supervisor and in the absence of inclement weather.
Brief physical contact such as holding hands, kissing, and embracing is permitted at the beginning and end of the visit. No items may be exchanged between the visitor and inmate during the visit, except items from the vending machines. A visitor and an inmate may not drink from the same container.
Visitors are expected to remain seated throughout the visit except for restroom usage, taking of a photo, and vending machine usage. Minor children shall be accompanied by the adult visitor for these same exceptions.
Visitors are expected to refrain from profanity and any behavior that could pose a threat to the security of the institution.
The Shift Supervisor has the authority to prohibit or terminate a visit. In this occurs, the visitor can submit a written request to the Warden for consideration of visitation reinstatement privileges.